The Evaluation System that is Revolutionizing Education

Young write girl with an open book in front of her, right palm on right cheek, bored face.

Hive Systems is an assessment tool that prioritizes skills over memorized information. It is a computer-assisted development, management, and tracking program for measurable standards.

The founder of that company realized that any discipline has patterns that can be identified and broken into logical learning units taught, learned, and tracked. But the main reason why Hive Systems was created is to help take education to the highest level.

School Evaluation 

In a survey contacted by the marketing manager of Hive Systems in July 2020, he found the following:

Question#1: How do you feel about the evaluation and assessment system that they use in universities?


“I feel like it is mostly based on memorization and less on actual, real-world understanding and application.”


“I feel that the letter-grade evaluation assessment system is schools trying to do their best with what they have. But overall, I do not feel it is effective. It is unfair. It places too much strain on students. It is more about memorization than understanding the content. You can skim through an online class and struggle through a real campus class and end up with the same grade (A).


“I think it works for some students.”

Question#5: When they say you got 70% at the end of the semester, 70% of what? (Please, take your time to understand this question before you answer.)


I think it basically means I understood (memorized) 70% of the syllabus in that class for the semester.


“I think it probably means 70% of a perfect grade, meaning you performed excellently and above standard for every assignment.”


“I think it is 70% of understanding the course material.”

Question#8: What do you think university professors measure in a test?


It varies but as mentioned above, it is mostly stuff that individual professors want me to learn/memorize/understand.


I think some university professors only measure memorization, but that many are improving so that they test understanding and application of the material.


“Our understanding of the course material.”

This is not all, some university professors, when asked what they assess or evaluate, they answered, “Whether the students completed their assignments.”

What Are The Consequences Of The Current Assessment System?

Can you imagine how nervous those students are/will be when they are asked to apply what they have learned? Is it possible that memorization is transformed into skills? If yes, how? Could you imagine how weird it sounds to a student who always got an “A” in college when an interviewer or a manager says, “You are not qualified, you don’t know enough?” 

How would you feel after spending thousands of dollars in your education and you realize that you did not learn things that are applicable to the real world? Have you ever doubted on what you think you can do even after getting an “A” for the class that teaches what you have to know about the subject? Most students have. Why?

Too many teachers and professors are focusing on things they have learned when they were students. Most of them keep teaching those things 15 and 20 years later.  

Too much information to memorize. It’s a waste of time and energy to teach things that will not be helpful to the student in real life. We need a new system, a new way of measuring; we need to focus on skills rather than memorized information, and that is where Hive Systems comes in.

Hive Systems Corporation makes it possible that students will no longer need to memorize a bunch of information just to take a test, and then forget what they have learned in class. 

It helps professors know what to focus on, what their students are struggling with, what they partially understand as well as what they do not understand at all. It does all the above things for the students as well.  It uncovers weaknesses and strengths, filters skills and provides the teacher or professor with a detailed and comprehensive report on a test for each student.

Hive Systems Corporation has over 300 databases on many different fields that they use to evaluate university students, sport professionals, employees as well as prisons, hospitals, and school buildings according to the established standards.

Note: Hive Systems evaluated the Utah State Prison.

Hive Systems Corp. organizes basketball camps, in which they assess each trainee according to the approved standards and skills for basketball.

How Can The Hive Systems Help You?

Hive Systems Corporation offers advantages such as a skill-based evaluation system and a more detailed report on exams for each student, whom, the founder of Hive Systems Corporation believes should be treated individually instead of as a group.  

It makes it possible that anyone learns anything they want, be assessed, and if qualified, they will get credit for all of those mastered skills. Where there is no rule, chaos reigns. The world needs skillful people not heads full of useless information.

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